Thursday, February 24, 2011


Everything that could go wrong for my wedding and reception did. This was my nightmare last night. In my dream, the reception happened the day before the wedding. I was wearing a pretty yellow satin gown. There were so many guests that there were tables set up in the lobby of the hotel to accommodate them. Then some of the musicians were fired (by whom, I don't know) so we had to use our iPods for music. I guess in my dream I hired some performers who put on a show where they kept forgetting their lines or words to a song. It was so awkward that it was painful to watch.

The next day was the wedding. I was wearing my nice wedding gown and it happened to be in a church. I went in through the side door of the church, not the middle, and I don't think I had anyone walk me down the aisle. In the middle of the ceremony, I asked if we could start the whole thing from the beginning because I wanted Dad to walk me down.

So we started it all over again. This time I went through the main doors. My dad had some sort of bloody wound on the left side of his face. When we got to the altar, I could see Rich sitting on the floor of the church and texting on his Blackberry.

And then I woke up.

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