Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RSVP's are rolling in

I was able to reach my deadline for sending out invitations. On exactly January 31st, 2011 I mailed all those suckers out. All of them, that is, except for the international ones.

I must be the laziest person in the world who can't walk 5 blocks to the post office to mail the international invitations out. I cannot physically make myself get up, put on my boots and coat, and trudge down to the post office before it closes at 4pm. First of all, with my staycation ongoing I can barely wake up by 12 noon.

However, the RSVP's have been coming! Every day there's been at least one little envelope in the mailbox. I get giddy everyday when I put the key in the mailbox. I was totally confused the first time I saw an RSVP envelope for some reason. I think it was because I saw my name and address written in my own handwriting and I got discombobulated for a second.

I know this is bad, but with a long guestlist and a limited amount of space, I am actually relieved when someone declines on the RSVP.

The count so far is approximately 35-40 confirmed.

Here are the invites:

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