Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Gregg and I did the whole registry thing just because it was sort of an expected thing to do. We don't expect any gifts at all because we feel that people are already spending a good amount of money just to be at the wedding in the first place. Plane tickets, hotels, other transportation - it all adds up. So if people come to the wedding, we'd already be overflowing with gratitude that they're there in the first place. Their presence already IS a present.

We don't expect anything even from guests who can't make it.

So it always comes as a nice surprise when we receive a package in the mail from one of our registries. We've gotten two so far, both from Crate and Barrel. I think it's so much better because it's so unexpected.

One was from Kevin and Katie, Gregg's younger brother and his gf. Their package came as a total surprise because it arrived in October and they're both already going to the wedding, Kevin being a best man and all. They said they didn't want to have carry the gift all the way down to Mexico.
The other was from Gregg's friend and gf who wouldn't be able to make it. It was a wine-inspired gift with wine glasses, wine stoppers and a wine rack. Perfect for my wine-loving fiance!

As I said, we don't expect any gifts but it does come as a pleasant surprise when we receive one.

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