Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pashminas are on a roll!

I'm finally in the process of rolling up my pashminas and tying them up. As I mentioned in the last post, I spent an inordinate amount of time deciding on the tags to put on them. I bought a 2" circular puncher but originally thought it was too small. So then I was either going to buy a larger circular puncher or buy 2 1/2" circular flat cards and glue the 2" circle with the saying onto it. But I didn't want to go downtown to buy all this stuff and I didn't want to wait until it arrived in the mail if I ordered online. So I sucked it up and fiddled around with the design of the tag and just used the circular puncher I already had. Looks good enough to me.

I bought butter yellow and light gray pashminas from a wholesaler downtown at a great price. Here's a close-up of the saying on the pashmina:

I've only done about 12. 36 left to go! It's taking FOREVER!!!!

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