Friday, April 15, 2011

Less than 2 months!

Thank God. I can't wait until this is over. It really is pretty stressful. And most of the time it's the little things that I can't help but stress about. Take today for example: I just spent 3 hours trying to figure out what font I should use for my place cards. 3 HOURS. Googling place card images for ideas. Checking out fonts on Downloading fonts and trying them out using our guests' names. Printing out mock place cards. I now have a headache. But I think I've also finally chosen a font which is the font that we used for our names in our invitation.

Other little things that are taking up TOO much of my time:

1. Trying to figure out how to do my tags for the pashminas. They're going to be rolled up and secured with a ribbon and tag like this:

So I spent about an hour trying to figure out how I was going to design the tag, poring over people's Planning Threads on the website (which is my new best friend/worst enemy) to see if I get inspired by other people's ideas. I think I'm going to end up with the simplest design, but whatevs. I bet people won't even look twice at the tag.

2. Wondering whether to have a menu or not. And if choosing to have a menu, what that design will be like.

3. Trying to figure out the program design.

4. Trying to mentally divide all the things I have to bring to Mexico amongst several people and wondering who will bring what and if it'll be too heavy and printing out receipts just in case they get searched by customs.

5. Getting people's itineraries. While I really do want to know when people are arriving and where they are staying, this is also a devious little method I'm using to find out who has or hasn't booked yet. I know people have RSVP'd "yes" but it's not final for me until they have their tickets! With the bridal entourage being the exception, of course. So far, I've encountered at least 2 couples who have retracted their "Yes" status by using this method. It works!

Other things to think about:

1. First dance choreography

2. Buy the veil and shoes

3. Get the maracas

4. Groomsmen and fathers gifts

5. Dresses for shower, welcome cocktails, rehearsal dinner

And many many more!! AAAAGGHHHH!!!

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