Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Partially DIY Guestbook

When I was on, I came upon a forum whose topic was guestbooks. Some people were planning on bringing a Fuji Instax Mini 25 camera (a Polaroid-type instant camera) and having people insert their pictures into a guestbook. I thought that was a great idea and immediately started looking for guestbooks that could accomodate these mini pictures.

I didn't see many options. There was one company called Adesso that made guestbooks with clear plastic pockets that fit the photos, but I was iffy on buying their guestbooks because their covers were so plain looking. But I kept their guestbooks in mind as a last resort. Then I went on Etsy and found a vendor who sold custom-made guestbooks, and specifically those for the Fuji photos. They were beautiful and for a time there we were emailing back and forth. After a while though, it became too involved (I had to choose from a bunch of fabric for the cover but I couldn't find one I liked that much) and I gave up on the whole custom-made thing.

I forgot about the guestbook for a while and then realized about a week ago that I was running out of time. So I decided I'd just use the last resort guestbook which was sold by the Adesso company. Wouldn't you know it, they went out of business.

Fortunately, while I was walking around the Paper Presentation store down in the city, I saw some nice fabric-covered guestbooks made by Rag & Bone Bindery. So when I went to pick up my wedding dress in Manhattan last week, I picked up one of their albums that could also be used as a guestbook. I then used the guestbooks from that vendor on Etsy as my model and custom-made the guestbook myself.

I used extra ribbon and decorated the front cover.

Then I stuck on black photo corners into the book so people could just insert their pictures. Here's an example of a picture that we took during our friend Bo and Keith's wedding that I inserted into my guestbook.

When we attended their wedidng in Montreal at the end of April, I saw that they also had a Fuji Instax Mini, but the older version. They had roll on glue next to their guestbook and had guests just paste their pictures into their guestbook. We took two pictures because we didn't like the first one and we just kept the picture we didn't like. Good thing too, because I was able to use the photo to shape the black photo corners.

I also made a sign with a little poem that (hopefully) will encourage people to use the camera and sign the guestbook.

Here's the first page inside:
I think it came out pretty well!!

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